Not-For-Profit Application

    Plymouth Farmers Market Not-For-Profit Form
    Service Club Application for Booth Space

    Your possible ideas for your booth (required)

    Please check the dates your organization is interested in participating at the Farmers Market. (limit one Saturday per month please).
    May 10May 17May 24May 31None in May

    June 7June 14June 21June 28None in June

    July 5July 12July 19July 26None in July

    August 2August 9August 16August 23August 30None in August

    September 6September 13September 20September 27None in September

    October 4October 11None in October

    By submitting this application, I agree to adhere to the rules and regulations of the Plymouth Farmers Market and hold said Market harmless. Upon approval of your application, the Plymouth Farmers Market will send you a confirmation of your acceptance.

    *Please use mouse/cursor to sign above

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    Located at the corner of Garro St. and Rivers St. Plymouth, IN

    We accept WIC and SNAP

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    P.O. Box 41
    Plymouth, IN 46563
    (574) 217-5776

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