Vendor Rules and Regulations

The following contains rules for participating as a vendor at the Plymouth Farmers Market held each year from the Saturday of Mother’s Day weekend through the second Saturday in October.

Goods Permitted for Sale

All goods offered for sale must be of excellent quality!

We encourage vendors to sell products produced within a 100-mile radius of Plymouth. Goods raised within this area will receive a VENDOR RAISED sign from the Market Master.

The Vendor must display legible price markers for goods offered for sale

The following goods may be sold at the Market: fruits,vegetable, meats, dried and fresh herbs, plants, flowers, honey, eggs, flour and ground grain and approved crafts. Prepared food items which are permitted include (but are not limited to): cheeses, maple syrup, jellies, jams, preserves, dried vegetables, dried fruits, cider or other pressed juices, ice cream, herb vinegar and baked goods.

Prepared food items must be prepared in a licensed facility, as defined by Indiana law, and be sold in pre-packaged form.The sale of these food items requires proper labeling, which must consist of name of product, location of preparation, and ingredients

Plymouth Farmers Market Board encourages vendors to use local ingredients grown in the State of Indiana.

Vendors selling prepared food must display there Board of Health license at all times. Egg Vendors must exhibit a current egg vendor license issued by the State Egg Board. Health Department regulations require that eggs be kept at 45 degrees or less.

Vendors invited to the market for the purpose of demonstrations to the public may sell their products regardless of the type or origin of the product.

Handcrafted items may be sold at the Plymouth Farmers Market. However, the items must be produced from plant or animal based materials. Note: Vendors selling food items that meet the mission statement have first access to booth space, and then those wishing to sell handmade crafts may be assigned a space.

Exceptions to the goods permitted rule can be made by the Plymouth Farmers Market Board upon advanced request by Vendor. Market Master reserves the right to verify that all goods are appropriate for sale.

Information Tables

With prior approval from the Market Master groups may set up information tables at the Market free of charge.

Commercial or Not-For-Profit Vendor

The Plymouth Farmers Market defines a commercial vendor as a person who raises or produces agricultural goods or crafts to be sold at the market.

Vendors must agree to the terms of the rules and Regulations of the Plymouth Farmers Market.

Vendors must agree to release and hold harmless the Plymouth Farmers Market, it’s Directors, Officers, agents and employees from all claims related to or arising from participation at the Market.

This agreement must be signed before any vendor sells at the Market. Vendors are encouraged to purchase product liability insurance

Approval to Sell

Vendors must submit an application to the Plymouth Farmers Market, Market Master and be approved to sell. Approval to sell will come from a letter/email or verbally by the Market Master.

Health and Safety Requirements

It is the responsibility of the Vendor to maintain a safe and clean booth and to be aware of all county and state rules that apply to the products that are sold.

The Plymouth Farmers Market requires that all items intended for human consumption must be kept six inches off the ground.

To obtain the ServSafe Food Handler Certificate of Achievement, register online by using this link or view the PDF here.

Consignment Operations

Vendors may sell products from other producers on consignment. Consignments must comply with all Plymouth Farmers Market Rules and Regulations. Vendors selling for others are required to display signs identifying the producer of these items.

Goods Not Permitted for Sale

No potentially hazardous foods or products may be sold. Items not made by hand, regardless of the materials, may not be sold at the Plymouth Farmers Market

Vendor Set-Up

Commercial and Not-for-Profit vendors must complete an application and be approved by the Plymouth Farmer’s Market Board and/or Market Master before they will be allowed to sell at the Market.

Upon arrival at the Market for the first time, you must report to the Market Master by 6:30am. He will assign you a space. You must be ready to sell in the assigned space by 7:15 am. The Market is open from 7:30-11:30am. The Vendor must remove all personal items, trash and equipment by 12:00 noon. All Commercial Vendors must be in their assigned space each week by 7:15am. or their booth will be made available to other Vendors on a first come basis. Vendors selling food items (Product or Meat) will have first access to unreserved booth space. Not-for-Profit Vendors are assigned on a weekly basis.

Each Vendor must supply their own tables, canopy or other equipment. The Market provides no equipment for Commercial nor Not-for-Profit Vendors.

Vendors are to remain at the Market until closing time. However if a Vendor sells out or for some other reason must leave early, she/he must request assistance of the Market Master in order to exit the Market in a safe manner. Any Vendor violating this safety rule may be asked not to return.

Find Us

Located at the corner of Garro St. and Rivers St. Plymouth, IN

We accept WIC and SNAP

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P.O. Box 41
Plymouth, IN 46563
(574) 217-5776

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